Kapalua is the premier spot in West Maui real estate. This is reflected in the amount of sales and the sales prices. Report date is August 24th and are since January.

46 single family homes are on the market in West Maui. List prices range from $1,098,000 to $49,500,000. Median list price is $4,572,500. 89 Condominiums are active on the market ranging in price from $230,000 to $9,800,000. Median price is $1,395,000. 16 parcels of land round out the West Maui market. Prices range from $999,000 to $11,500,000. Median price is $1,895,000.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. Should you have questions about a specific neighborhood or condominium complex, please let me know.